Biblical Counseling

“Biblical Counseling is intense discipleship.”
Dr. David Penley
As a believer the main goal is to be under someone’s discipleship and discipling someone else. Biblical counseling is using the word of God through the Holy Spirit of God, as applied in ones life so they will be conformed more into the image of God. This is displaying a goal one of two ways:
For an unbeliever the goal for the counselor is evangelism. Using scripture under the conviction of the Holy Spirit, in which the unbeliever is brought to repentance and faith.
For the believer the goal of a counselor is sanctification through discipleship. Using scripture and applying it in the life of a believer under the guidance of the Holy Spirit should first, provide correction leading to confession and repentance of sin. As a result, it should also lead to a reorientation back to the spiritual disciplines.
“If sin is the problem, there is no human remedy”
Dr. Ab Abercrombie
Our hope at Sovereign Grace Bible Church Fond du Lac is to equip and raise up our faith family to counsel and disciple each other and to reach out in the community and those we come in contact with as the Lord gives us divine appointments.